Disaster Communications

Trump's Tulsa rally raises concerns it will inflame racial tensions, become a coronavirus 'super-spreader' event

According to state health department data, there are currently 9,354 confirmed coronavirus infections in Oklahoma, up 5.1 percent from the previous day. “It’s likely that an event like this, at this particular moment, is going to be a super-spreader event,” Irwin Redlener, director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University told The Daily Beast. Anthony Fauci, a leading infectious disease expert and key member of the White House coronavirus task force, confirmed that he would not attend, given the choice, citing his own high-risk demographic as a 79-year-old man.

Could The Polio Vaccine Curb The Coronavirus Pandemic?

As a physician, my task is to keep people safe and as healthy as possible. Medicines, including vaccines, play a big role in this undertaking. However, almost equally dangerous as viral spread is the spread of false hope. To pacify expectations, I often turn to my public health colleague, Irwin Redlener, MD, director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness, Columbia University: “Suggestions that oral polio vaccine may have a role in temporarily preventing Covid-19 are provocative, but not really supported by the kind of evidence that would make many of us optimistic.” Dr. Redlener was surprised by Dr. Fauci’s public support of OPV. “It’s far too early to suggest that OPV is some kind of miraculous, low-cost preventive measure,” added the professor of pediatrics.

Aftershock: If coronavirus swells in a second wave later this year, will the nation be ready?

“We still haven’t gotten our act together,” said Irwin Redlener, director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University. “I think it’s inevitable that we’re going to have a second, if not a third, wave” because of the nation’s “erratic and disorganized policies.” 

Grocery Stores Are Packed With People—And Workers Are Scared & Stressed

During an appearance on the Brian Lehrer Show last week, Dr. Irwin Redlener, the director of Columbia University's National Center for Disaster Preparedness, stressed that stores should be doing more to protect employees and avoid overcrowding. "We understand that people want to stock up in case there is a more serious quarantine," he said. But things like limiting the number of people allowed in a store at any one time was an "absolutely critically important thing that must be done."

Mass shootings: Reassuring Children After a Traumatic Event

America is reckoning with two new mass shootings, one in Dayton, Ohio and the other in El Paso, Texas – believed to be the eighth deadliest in modern U.S. history.

While processing the constant stream of disturbing media, parents must also anticipate the needs of their children by helping them process the upsetting news.