The Legal Consequences of Child Abuse By Government

Dr. Redlener joins Brian Lehrer of WNYC to talk about the psychological trauma and effects on immigrant children that have been separated from their families and why it constitutes "child abuse and neglect by government," which could lead to legal consequences.

Why Child Homelessness Is Growing In NYC

Dr. Irwin Redlener, one of NYC’s leading child advocates, joins the Leonard Lopate Show to discuss his new book The Future of Us: What the Dreams of Children Mean for Twenty-First-Century America. He addresses the growing crisis of child homelessness in New York City, and argues that it will only get worse if President Trump's proposed budget cuts and threats to restructure Medicaid become reality.

The Health and Well-Being of Children

Irwin Redlener talks with Brian Lehrer about his life and work dedicated to removing barriers for children to realize their potential, from healthcare to education, and discusses the recent disasters in Puerto Rico and Mexico, as well as the current efforts to repeal the ACA.

Hurricane Irma Preparedness

Irwin Redlener, president of the Children's Health Fund, professor of pediatrics and director of pediatrics, director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University, and author of the forthcoming The Future of Us: What the Dreams of Children Mean for Twenty-First Century America (Columbia University Press, 2017), talks about how individuals and governments prepare for Hurricane Irma.