The A.M.A. is Inexplicably M.I.A.

The A.M.A. is Inexplicably M.I.A.

So with all that we know about Mr. Kennedy’s truly outlandish ideas, it’s particularly surprising that we have heard nary a word from the A.M.A that should be strongly and publicly opposing Mr. Kennedy’s nomination. Now is their time to protect the nation’s health — not just the special interests of their members.

LA Fire Disaster: Protecting Children in Physical and Psychological Harm’s Way

LA Fire Disaster: Protecting Children in Physical and Psychological Harm’s Way

The massive fire catastrophe in LA will be remembered as one of the most devastating disasters in modern U.S. history. Having worked on the prevention of, response to, and recovery from megadisasters for many years, I have watched how the devastation of such events impacts communities and people, especially people with important vulnerabilities like chronic illnesses, mobility challenges, and other conditions, including people who are economically fragile.