LA Fire Disaster: Protecting Children in Physical and Psychological Harm’s Way
The massive fire catastrophe in LA will be remembered as one of the most devastating disasters in modern U.S. history. Having worked on the prevention of, response to, and recovery from megadisasters for many years, I have watched how the devastation of such events impacts communities and people, especially people with important vulnerabilities like chronic illnesses, mobility challenges, and other conditions, including people who are economically fragile.
US pediatrician aids Ukraine’s traumatized children
Ukraine's kids in a violent crossfire
Difficulties Facing Ukrainian Children Interview
After nearly two years of devastation, it's time to Imagine rebuilding Ukraine
Children in war, lessons from Ukraine
Ukraine Children Deal with Psychological Trauma from War
CNN's Michael Holmes speaks with Dr. Irwin Redlener, Co-founder of Ukrainian Children’s Action Project about the impact of war on children in Ukraine and what's being done to support them.
Irwin Redlener speaks during the Clinton Global Initiative
I was honored to speak at the opening session of the 2023 Clinton Global Initiative on the importance of addressing children's needs as part of Ukraine's long-term recovery.