Is New York Ready for the Next Big Hurricane?

In late November 2012, Hurricane Sandy took New York by storm. Since then, the city has been working to fortify its defenses to protect both its people and infrastructure from the next big hurricane. But as we plunge into the seventh hurricane season post-Sandy, the question remains: Are we ready?

How Today's Measles Outbreak Compares To Another In NYC In The Early '90s

The nationwide measles outbreak is the largest in recent memory. But back in the early 1990s, thousands of people, mostly in large cities, got measles and nearly 100 died.

Why Child Homelessness Is Growing In NYC

Dr. Irwin Redlener, one of NYC’s leading child advocates, joins the Leonard Lopate Show to discuss his new book The Future of Us: What the Dreams of Children Mean for Twenty-First-Century America. He addresses the growing crisis of child homelessness in New York City, and argues that it will only get worse if President Trump's proposed budget cuts and threats to restructure Medicaid become reality.